THSLL Board of Directors
The Commissioner shall serve as Chairman of the Board and as the chief executive officer of THSLL. The Commissioner shall have charge of the general affairs of THSLL, and shall preside at all meetings of the Board, appoint all regular and special committees and task forces and serve as an ex-officio member of all such committees and task forces.
The District Coordinators for each district should work together as a team for the common good of the district and to relay district issues / topics to the THSLL Board. Generally the Class A Coordinator takes the lead and sets the tone.
Coaches and Administrators are responsible/accountable to the District Coordinator with regards to THSLL issues.
THSLL Organization

Board General Powers
The government of the Corporation, the direction and management of its affairs, and the control of its property, shall be vested in the Board, which may exercise all such powers of the Corporation and do all such lawful acts and things as provided by statute or by the Articles of Incorporation or by these Bylaws, including, without limitation, the promulgation of League and division rules, the appointment of committees or task forces, and the delegation of such management authority to the Member Schools or otherwise.
Advisory Directors
The Board may from time to time designate one or more persons to act as "Advisory Directors." Advisory Directors shall receive notice of meetings of the Board and shall be entitled to attend meetings and participate in discussions of the Board, but shall not be entitled to vote on any matter decided by the Board.
THSLL Contractors / Employed
The Board may hire paid contactors for various positions. Contractors shall receive notice of board meetings, entitled to attend meetings, and participate in discussions of the Board, but shall not be entitled to vote on any matter decided by the Board.
Board Conflict of Interest
Approved by Board of Directors at Board meeting on October 5, 2009
Texas High School Lacrosse League (THSLL) is the governing body and membership association for boys’ lacrosse teams at the high school level in Texas. The high school level is defined as grades nine through twelve. The THSLL board is comprised of volunteers throughout the state.
The District Coordinators for each district should work together as a team for the common good of the league and to relay district issues / topics to the THSLL Board. Generally the Class A Coordinator takes the lead and sets the tone / voice for the district since the goal of each Class B/C/D program is to matriculate at some point in the future.
Coaches / Administrators are responsible / accountable to the District Coordinator with regards to THSLL issues.
The State Administrator position is accountable to the THSLL board, reporting to the THSLL Commissioner. The State Administrator communicates with the Member programs and District Coordinators facilitating the administrative duties for the THSLL.
Board Advisors:
- Past Commissioner (ideally immediate past commissioner)
- Coach Advocate (current THSLL coach if possible)
- Private School Advocate (SPC, TAPS, etc.)
- U.S. Lacrosse Liaison (e.g. U.S. Lacrosse Area Chair)
- Lacrosse official
At no time may the number of THSLL board members who are paid and/or who are voting members of THSLL member programs make up more than 49% of the THSLL board.
If at all possible, a THSLL board member will not have a son currently playing lacrosse for a member school. If so, the board member may be asked to abstain from voting items relating to the respective district/class.
Whether a conflict exists for Board Members, Advisors, Contractors or Employees (e.g. State Administrator), other than the Commissioner, shall be determined by the Commissioner. Whether a conflict exists for the Commissioner, shall be determined by a majority of the THSLL board excluding the Commissioner’s vote.