THSLL Districts

Central District

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Team Information

Westlake Chaparrals

Demographics Central District, Class A
Record District: 3-0, Overall: 4-1
Coaches Zack Burke - Head Coach
2025 Game Schedule
Game Date Teams Location Game Type Winner Score
02/08 2:00 PM Dallas Jesuit vs Westlake Chap Stadium - Westlake High School Non-District
02/20 8:15 PM Westlake @ Vandegrift Monroe Stadium LISD Class A District
02/27 8:00 PM Austin vs Westlake Chap Stadium - Westlake High School Class A District
03/05 8:00 PM Lake Travis vs Westlake Chap Stadium - Westlake High School Class A District
03/08 12:00 PM Westlake @ Episcopal School of Dallas Episcopal School of Dallas Non-District
03/10 7:00 PM Westwood vs Westlake Chap Stadium - Westlake High School Class A District
03/29 3:00 PM Westlake @ Woodlands Woodforest Bank Stadium Non-District
03/30 1:00 PM Westlake @ Cy Woods Spillane Middle School Non-District
04/05 12:00 PM Highland Park vs Westlake Chap Stadium - Westlake High School Non-District
04/11 6:30 PM TMI Episcopal vs Westlake Chap Stadium - Westlake High School Class A District
04/16 8:15 PM Westlake @ Vandegrift Monroe Stadium LISD Class A District
04/18 8:00 PM Westlake @ Dripping Springs DSHS Lacrosse/Track Field Class A District
2025 Roster
# Player Position Grade
12 Bartlett, Grady Attack SR
7 Belew, Hayes Defensive Midfield SR
13 Bessette, Jordan Midfield SR
30 Bralower, Sam Goalie SO
10 Burch, River Attack JR
4 Burke, Spencer Attack JR
8 Ebert, Thomas Midfield JR
27 Engledow, Ethan Midfield SR
23 Engledow, Trevor FOGO FR
15 Frank, Caden LSM SR
6 Goodrum, Hudson Defense JR
14 Hagen, Max Defense SR
11 Henault, Sebastian Defensive Midfield SR
34 Jenkins, Rhett LSM SO
5 Jones, Brady Attack JR
18 Kane, Weston Midfield JR
2 Kenyon, Thatcher Defense JR
1 Levine, Jack Attack SR
19 Linn, Caden Defensive Midfield SR
28 Massengale, Bo Defense SR
9 Pacitti, Nicholas FOGO SR
3 Robshaw, Cameran Defensive Midfield SR
29 Sheriff, Alex Midfield FR
16 Sinclair, Jack Midfield JR
21 Thomas, Ben FOGO JR
25 Trungale, Wyatt LSM SR
20 Wilkin, Bennett Defense SR
22 Williamson, Grant Goalie JR
Download Roster

Field Locations
Site Address Map Turf Lights Seats Fee Issue Clock
Chap Stadium - Westlake High School 4100 Westbank Dr
Austin, TX 78746
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