THSLL is...
- A multi-jurisdictional entity serving schools/programs from UIL ISDs, SPC, TAPPS, and non-affiliated private schools. (boys lacrosse only)
- We have 90 unique programs, 169 teams, with over 3,500 boys participating.
- Located in major metropolitan areas DFW, Houston, San Antonio, and Austin.
For our UIL based schools we expect the following:
- Ultimate goal is to be single school based program affiliated with the school and have faculty sponsorship
- Programs follow UIL and TEA rules/laws No Pass, No Play, conduct expectations for players, coaches, and participants, etc.
- Programs strive to emulate UIL Varsity and sub-varsity teams with trainers, access to facilities, varsity letters, and work closely with school ADs and ISD ADs.
- Eligibility rules based on school attendance and ISD boundaries.
From our communications with UIL our understanding of where lacrosse stands with UIL is this:
- UIL sends a survey out that gauges interest across the ISDs in the State of Texas on activity levels and interest in new activities like lacrosse.
- Our lack of geographic diversity, and lack of knowledge of lacrosse in non-urban areas yields a low level of interest in adding lacrosse as a UIL activity.
- School funding issues would drive fewer UIL activities rather than adding new ones that require new equipment and facilities utilization/modification.
In summary, “At the current time due to school funding and our lack of geographic diversity there is not a groundswell of interest in ISDs across the state. Our public school programs should continue to build their relationships with their school and local ISD, follow all UIL and TEA rules, and emulate UIL activities so they can be prepared for a transition to UIL if and when the time comes”.