THSLL Districts

North District

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Team Information

Episcopal School of Dallas Eagles

Demographics North District, Class A West
Record District: 1-0, Overall: 7-0
Coaches Jay Sothoron - Head Coach
Mike Kutzer - Assistant Coach
Michael Allen - Assistant Coach
2025 Game Schedule
Game Date Teams Location Game Type Winner Score
02/28 7:30 PM Episcopal School of Dallas @ Memorial Memorial High School Non-District
03/01 1:00 PM Episcopal School of Dallas @ Kinkaid Barnhardt Stadium Non-District
03/02 12:30 PM Episcopal School of Dallas @ Cy Woods Alden Bridge Sports Park Non-District
03/05 7:15 PM Episcopal School of Dallas @ Southlake Carroll High School Class A District
03/08 12:00 PM Westlake vs Episcopal School of Dallas Episcopal School of Dallas Non-District
03/09 1:00 PM McCallie School Chattanooga TN vs Episcopal School of Dallas Episcopal School of Dallas Out of State
03/13 7:00 PM Episcopal School of Dallas @ St. Mark's St. Mark's School of Texas Non-District
03/28 7:00 PM St. John's vs Episcopal School of Dallas Episcopal School of Dallas Non-District
03/29 11:00 AM Episcopal Houston vs Episcopal School of Dallas Episcopal School of Dallas Non-District
04/04 7:00 PM Dallas Jesuit vs Episcopal School of Dallas Episcopal School of Dallas Class A District
04/08 7:00 PM Lovejoy vs Episcopal School of Dallas Episcopal School of Dallas Class A District
04/15 7:00 PM St. Mary's Ryken HS Leonardtown, MD vs Episcopal School of Dallas Episcopal School of Dallas Out of State
04/18 1:00 PM Woodlands vs Episcopal School of Dallas Episcopal School of Dallas Non-District
04/25 7:30 PM Episcopal School of Dallas @ Highland Park Highlander Stadium Non-District
2025 Roster
# Player Position Grade
28 Briner, Brant Defense JR
7 Chase, Ryder Midfield FR
0 Coben, Jack FOGO SO
27 Cole, Ryan Midfield SO
13 Cooke, Asher LSM FR
9 Cooke, Siler Defensive Midfield JR
41 Deandrea, Joe Defense FR
22 Goglia, Michael Attack SO
31 Gubert, Blake Attack JR
2 Hill, Tate FOGO JR
15 Hilton, Cade Defense SO
42 Jefferies, Carighton LSM SO
8 Kowalewski, Conner Goalie SR
18 Langston, Vaughn Defense SR
4 Lear, Asher Midfield FR
30 Lear, Finley Attack JR
33 Logan, Josh Midfield JR
23 Love, Mason Attack SO
24 Maedgen, Hud Defensive Midfield SO
16 Mathes, Curtis Defensive Midfield SO
6 Mauser, Luke Defense SR
20 Mcfarland, Jack Defense FR
10 Mcknight, Wayte Attack FR
11 Monteiro, Xander Goalie JR
26 Mooney, Preston Midfield SO
3 Paddock, Jackson Defense JR
19 Perry, Mason LSM SO
39 Pham, Ethan Defense SR
21 Provost, Jack Attack SR
12 Provost, Noble Attack SO
5 Royal, Davis Defense JR
1 Tran, Ryan Midfield JR
32 Warburton, Trystean FOGO SO
29 Williams, Evan Goalie FR
14 Woolridge, Ollie LSM FR
40 Young, Hudsen Midfield SO
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Field Locations
Site Address Map Turf Lights Seats Fee Issue Clock
Episcopal School of Dallas 4100 Merrell Rd
Dallas, TX 75229
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