San Antonio District News
US Lacrosse is playing a leading role in ongoing research and is committed to educating the national lacrosse community about the potential dangers of commotio cordis, as well as the life-saving value of having AEDs available during lacrosse games and practices.
In 2006, US Lacrosse entered a strategic alliance with Cardiac Science, a leading manufacturer of AEDs, to provide greater educational resources and special AED pricing for US Lacrosse members.
Now, US Lacrosse and Cardiac Science are offering an AED Grant Program which provides comprehensive management of AED/CPR training to awarded leagues and chapters. Through the grant, US Lacrosse will subsidize a significant portion of the cost of a one-year partnership with Cardiac Science.
Click Here to Download Grant Application
Application Timeline for Grant Program
April 18, 2011 - Grant applications available.
September 30, 2011 (EXTENDED) - Deadline for submitting completed applications.
October 2011 - Notification letters sent to all applicants.
December 31, 2012 - All AED training workshops must be completed by this date.
In 2010, US Lacrosse awarded 14 lacrosse organizations in 12 states an AED Grant:
Southern Marin Lacrosse Club, Mill Valley, CA
Norwich Youth Lacrosse Association, Norwich, CT
Roswell Youth Lacrosse Association, Roswell, GA
Lakers Youth Lacrosse, Lakeville, MA
Western Maryland US Lacrosse Chapter, Walkersville, MD
Cecil Lacrosse League, Port Deposit, MD
Homegrown Lacrosse Nonprofit, Minneapolis, MN
AUFAA Dragons Lacrosse, Allentown, NJ
Mahopac Sports Association, Mahopac, NY
Lower Dauphin, Hummelstown, PA
Cookeville Lacrosse Club, Cookeville, TN
Kingwood Ladies Lacrosse, Kingwood, TX
Southlake Carroll Lacrosse Association, Southlake, TX
Janesville Lacrosse Club, Janesville, WI