San Antonio District News
Posted on February 04, 2018
As you know, the Texas High School Lacrosse League (THSLL) is an all-volunteer membership driven 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, led by the THSLL Board of Directors who have management and oversight responsibility for Texas boys’ high school lacrosse in the THSLL Spring Season. The principles and rules applied by the THSLL Board of Directors through the TSLA, Inc. Bylaws and the current THSLL Rulebook were developed, and have evolved, in conjunction with the membership of the THSLL over the past 30 years.
The THSLL Board of Directors recognizes that the due diligence required to successfully evolve the organization to maximize and sustain the growth and quality of boys’ high school lacrosse across the State of Texas is an effort that needs the involvement of current and past leaders of the THSLL. Recognizing the importance of this due diligence and this requirement, the THSLL Board of Directors discussed at the most recent THSLL Annual meetings our intention and commitment to establish two advisory committees to assist us with this effort.
Towards that end, we are excited to announce that the THSLL Board of Directors has modified the TSLA, Inc. Bylaws to include a Vice Commissioner role, and has established the structure and role of new THSLL committees – the THSLL Advisory Committee and the THSLL District Advisory Committee. And, we are ready to act on our commitment, and involve you, the THSLL Member School programs in that effort!
The THSLL Advisory Committee will be comprised of one current or past THSLL Member School Program Board President and one current or past Head Coach from each of the THSLL Districts, the THSLL Commissioner, the most recent Past THSLL Commissioner, and the THSLL Vice Commissioner who will serve as Chairman. The THSLL District Coordinators will make committee member nominations, and the THSLL Board of Directors will approve the THSLL Advisory Committee members with a majority vote by 1/31/2018.
The THSLL Advisory Committee will meet via teleconference at least six times per year, including at least once in February, March, April, and May. The term for committee members will be two years, with a limit of two terms. Members can be added and removed with a majority vote of the THSLL Board of Directors. Each committee member will sign an agreement that outlines and defines their roles and responsibilities, and their commitment to be bound by the TSLA, Inc. Bylaws and the current THSLL Rulebook.
The THSLL Advisory Committee and the THSLL Board of Directors will form a THSLL District Advisory Committee in each of the Districts comprised of two current or past THSLL Member School Program Board Presidents and two current or past Head Coaches, along with the THSLL District Coordinators. The THSLL District Advisory Committee members will be nominated by the THSLL Advisory Committee members and the THSLL District Coordinators, and along with the THSLL Board of Directors, will vote in the members of each THSLL District Advisory Committee with a majority vote by 2/15/2018.
The THSLL Advisory Committee representatives from a District will co-chair the THSLL District Advisory Committee in their District, with oversight by the District Coordinators. The THSLL District Advisory Committee will meet via teleconference at least six times per year, including at least once in February, March, April, and May. The term for committee members is two years, with a limit of two terms. Members can be added and removed with a majority vote of the THSLL District Committee or with a majority vote of the THSLL Board of Directors. Each committee member will sign an agreement that outlines and defines their roles and responsibilities, and their commitment to be bound by the TSLA, Inc. Bylaws and the current THSLL Rulebook.
Each THSLL District Advisory Committee will collaborate with the THSLL Advisory Committee providing input and feedback for their meetings, including soliciting input from, and providing feedback back to, the THSLL Member School Programs.
The THSLL Advisory Committee will be tasked by the THSLL Board of Directors with league due diligence that has statewide implications, and will provide recommendations developed in collaboration with the THSLL Board of Directors, the THSLL District Advisory Committees, and the THSLL Member School Programs, for consideration by the THSLL Board of Directors at its Summer Executive Board Meetings.
The first due diligence assigned to the THSLL Advisory Committee will be review and analysis of the current THSLL Philosophy and Foundation Principles, and League Structure, and will be done in collaboration with the THSLL Board of Directors, and each THSLL District Advisory Committee and the THSLL Member School Programs. The outcome of that due diligence will be development of recommendations that the THSLL Board of Directors will consider at the THSLL Summer Executive Board Meeting. The THSLL Board of Directors will review the recommendations to determine if they support the purpose, growth, quality, and success of the THSLL, and if so, decide how they should be presented to the THSLL Member School Programs for possible implementation, in part or in entirety, and in what timeframe.
The THSLL Board of Directors will consider the THSLL Advisory Committee recommendations, formulate them into one or more proposals and vote on them, and if approved by a super majority vote of the THSLL Board of Directors, present them as agenda items prior to and at the THSLL Annual Meetings for consideration and adoption by a super majority vote of the THSLL Member School Programs.
Annually, the THSLL Advisory Committee will receive input and feedback from the THSLL Member School Programs and the THSLL Board of Directors, and be tasked with due diligence by the THSLL Board of Directors that has statewide implications, and be asked to follow the above process for providing recommendations to the THSLL Board of Directors for consideration at the THSLL Summer Executive Meetings.
Through this membership driven due diligence and ongoing collaborative effort the THSLL Board of Directors believes the THSLL will continue to evolve and successfully meet the needs of the Texas boys’ high school lacrosse community for years to come.
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The THSLL Board of Directors recognizes that the due diligence required to successfully evolve the organization to maximize and sustain the growth and quality of boys’ high school lacrosse across the State of Texas is an effort that needs the involvement of current and past leaders of the THSLL. Recognizing the importance of this due diligence and this requirement, the THSLL Board of Directors discussed at the most recent THSLL Annual meetings our intention and commitment to establish two advisory committees to assist us with this effort.
Towards that end, we are excited to announce that the THSLL Board of Directors has modified the TSLA, Inc. Bylaws to include a Vice Commissioner role, and has established the structure and role of new THSLL committees – the THSLL Advisory Committee and the THSLL District Advisory Committee. And, we are ready to act on our commitment, and involve you, the THSLL Member School programs in that effort!
The THSLL Advisory Committee will be comprised of one current or past THSLL Member School Program Board President and one current or past Head Coach from each of the THSLL Districts, the THSLL Commissioner, the most recent Past THSLL Commissioner, and the THSLL Vice Commissioner who will serve as Chairman. The THSLL District Coordinators will make committee member nominations, and the THSLL Board of Directors will approve the THSLL Advisory Committee members with a majority vote by 1/31/2018.
The THSLL Advisory Committee will meet via teleconference at least six times per year, including at least once in February, March, April, and May. The term for committee members will be two years, with a limit of two terms. Members can be added and removed with a majority vote of the THSLL Board of Directors. Each committee member will sign an agreement that outlines and defines their roles and responsibilities, and their commitment to be bound by the TSLA, Inc. Bylaws and the current THSLL Rulebook.
The THSLL Advisory Committee and the THSLL Board of Directors will form a THSLL District Advisory Committee in each of the Districts comprised of two current or past THSLL Member School Program Board Presidents and two current or past Head Coaches, along with the THSLL District Coordinators. The THSLL District Advisory Committee members will be nominated by the THSLL Advisory Committee members and the THSLL District Coordinators, and along with the THSLL Board of Directors, will vote in the members of each THSLL District Advisory Committee with a majority vote by 2/15/2018.
The THSLL Advisory Committee representatives from a District will co-chair the THSLL District Advisory Committee in their District, with oversight by the District Coordinators. The THSLL District Advisory Committee will meet via teleconference at least six times per year, including at least once in February, March, April, and May. The term for committee members is two years, with a limit of two terms. Members can be added and removed with a majority vote of the THSLL District Committee or with a majority vote of the THSLL Board of Directors. Each committee member will sign an agreement that outlines and defines their roles and responsibilities, and their commitment to be bound by the TSLA, Inc. Bylaws and the current THSLL Rulebook.
Each THSLL District Advisory Committee will collaborate with the THSLL Advisory Committee providing input and feedback for their meetings, including soliciting input from, and providing feedback back to, the THSLL Member School Programs.
The THSLL Advisory Committee will be tasked by the THSLL Board of Directors with league due diligence that has statewide implications, and will provide recommendations developed in collaboration with the THSLL Board of Directors, the THSLL District Advisory Committees, and the THSLL Member School Programs, for consideration by the THSLL Board of Directors at its Summer Executive Board Meetings.
The first due diligence assigned to the THSLL Advisory Committee will be review and analysis of the current THSLL Philosophy and Foundation Principles, and League Structure, and will be done in collaboration with the THSLL Board of Directors, and each THSLL District Advisory Committee and the THSLL Member School Programs. The outcome of that due diligence will be development of recommendations that the THSLL Board of Directors will consider at the THSLL Summer Executive Board Meeting. The THSLL Board of Directors will review the recommendations to determine if they support the purpose, growth, quality, and success of the THSLL, and if so, decide how they should be presented to the THSLL Member School Programs for possible implementation, in part or in entirety, and in what timeframe.
The THSLL Board of Directors will consider the THSLL Advisory Committee recommendations, formulate them into one or more proposals and vote on them, and if approved by a super majority vote of the THSLL Board of Directors, present them as agenda items prior to and at the THSLL Annual Meetings for consideration and adoption by a super majority vote of the THSLL Member School Programs.
Annually, the THSLL Advisory Committee will receive input and feedback from the THSLL Member School Programs and the THSLL Board of Directors, and be tasked with due diligence by the THSLL Board of Directors that has statewide implications, and be asked to follow the above process for providing recommendations to the THSLL Board of Directors for consideration at the THSLL Summer Executive Meetings.
Through this membership driven due diligence and ongoing collaborative effort the THSLL Board of Directors believes the THSLL will continue to evolve and successfully meet the needs of the Texas boys’ high school lacrosse community for years to come.