San Antonio District News
Posted on February 07, 2019
The THSLL Board of Directors recently re-evaluated the policy regarding the live streaming of regular season games. Effective immediately the THSLL will allow for teams and/or contracted third-parties to live stream all regular season/district championship games without prior approval being required from the Board of Directors.
Live streaming will be allowed as long as the following is adhered to during the THSLL game:
- Member programs may hire commercial entities to live stream their games.
- Member programs must notify the opposing team that they intend to live stream their game (however, no permission to do so by the other team is required).
- Commercial entities may not sell any broadcast of a live or recorded THSLL games, except as agreed upon in writing by the THSLL OR a member program.
- Commercial entities may not charge viewers for a live broadcast of a THSLL game.
- Alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, firearms, illegal substances, sexually inappropriate content, or political advertising may not be part of any portion of the stream or streaming website.
- There will be no interruption of the normal progress of a THSLL game.
- All promotion spots, other advertising, and contest broadcasts must be impartial and in no way promote or influence rivalries or inappropriate behavior on the part of contestants, students, or other observers.
- Criticism of the performance of students, coaches, fans, league, THSLL Board of Directors, and/or officials is not permitted.
- Streaming personnel is not granted automatic access to the field/press box/parking/etc. The streaming provider should request and work with the home team prior to the game if accommodations are requested.
- The THSLL logo may not be used in the stream.
- The THSLL will coordinate the streaming of the Division I and II super-regionals and State Championship games. Providers may email streaming@thsll.org if interested in streaming those games
THSLL reserves the right to adjust this policy as needed based on unforeseen situations that may arise.