San Antonio District News
NOCSAE is working closely with us as we develop and test a retrofit to the Cascade R helmet and we are confident a solution will be announced in the coming days. Earlier this week, we had sent technicians to NOCSAE’s testing Laboratory to test what we believe to be a viable and simple modification to existing helmets to ensure they comply with the NOCSAE standard. We have been informed that if we can demonstrate with statistical probability that this modification will meet the standard, NOCSAE will approve the process.
If successful, this modification will result in A new model as defined in NOCSAE standards. We are now working with NOCSAE on the details of that modification, including how it will be rolled out to players and teams currently in possession of the Cascade R helmet. As soon as we have all the details we will immediately communicate the necessary steps to complete the modification.Thank you for your patience and continued commitment to Cascade during this process. We continue to stand behind the Cascade R helmet and believe this modification will address NOCSAE’s concerns and ensure there will be no further interruption to the sport we all love.
Cascade Lacrosse
US Lacrosse, the national governing body for men's and women's lacrosse, has been notified by NOCSAE (National Operating Committee on Standards for Athletic Equipment) that two lacrosse helmet models currently available in the marketplace -- the Cascade Model R and the Warrior Regulator -- do not meet the NOCSAE helmet standard, ND041.
NOCSAE's public statement, available in its entirety at www.nocsae.org, says that the organization made its determination following an independent investigation and evaluation of the two helmets, including a review of each manufacturer's internal testing and quality control data. As a result, NOCSAE has invalidated the manufacturer's certification of compliance for all manufacturing dates for the two helmet models.
Playing rules written by US Lacrosse, the NCAA and the NFHS (National Federation of State High School Associations) mandate that all helmets must meet NOCSAE standards and be NOCSAE certified. Both models had previously been certified by the manufacturers as compliant with the NOCSAE standard.
NOCSAE's statement adds that both Cascade and Warrior have been notified of these conclusions by NOCSAE, and have indicated that they are working to address the issue.
Consumers seeking further information about these two helmet models are advised to contact the manufacturers directly: Cascade (1-800-537-1702); Warrior (1-800-968-7845)
Cascade Statement Regarding Cascade R Helmet
The National Operating Committee on Standards for Athletic Equipment (NOCSAE) has announced that the Cascade R model lacrosse helmet no longer complies with NOCSAE standard ND041 and that Cascade’s certification of compliance on that helmet model only is now invalid.
We are working with NOCSAE to clarify the concerns and appropriately address the issue. However, our first priority is always to our loyal Cascade customers. Players not in immediate need of a certified helmet are encouraged to retain their helmet. Cascade is confident that we will be able to re-certify the helmet and that recertification could be a simple fix. We expect to communicate all available remedies as soon as possible, once approved by NOCSAE. We are communicating the following information to consumers:
If you are a player that owns an R helmet and has games in November/Early December but do not own another certified helmet, you should contact your preferred lacrosse retailer to understand if they have the ability to fit you with a certified helmet. If yes, return your R helmet to that retailer and they will provide a replacement.
If you are a player that owns an R helmet and are not using it until the season starts, we are asking you to please hold onto your helmet in the short-term. As we get closer to season start we will have a procedure in place for you to receive either an update to your R model or another replacement option. If you are a team that owns R helmets and has games in November/Early December but do not have another certified helmet solution, please contact Cascade customer service at (800) 537- 1702 and we will do our best to find a lacrosse retailer to support your needs. If you are a team that has R helmets and do not need to use them immediately we are asking you to please hold onto your helmets in the short-term. As we get closer to season start we will have a procedure in place for you to receive either an update to your R models or another replacement option.
Detailed instructions on necessary steps will be made available on our web site www.cascadelacrosse.com and provided to all relevant governing bodies as soon as they become available.
Memo to All Officials Regarding NOCSAE Decision
On Monday, November 24, 2014, NOCSAE (National Operating Committee on Standards for Athletic Equipment) issued a statement announcing that it had voided the manufacturer’s certification of compliance for all manufacturing dates, for the Cascade Model R and the Warrior Regulator lacrosse helmets (see photo below).
Please note: the Cascade models CPV-R, CPX-R and CS-R and the Warrior TII are not affected by this decision by NOCSAE.
Until the manufacturers and NOCSAE are able to remedy and re-certify these helmets, the Model R and Regulator are both illegal at all levels of play and by all rules that mandate helmets meet NOCSAE standards and be NOCSAE certified.
Until further notice we are asking all officials, prior to the game, to add the following statement to the pre-game certification for head coaches. Officials are encouraged to meet with both coaches together at midfield to conduct this certification.
“Coach, are you aware that the Cascade Model R and Warrior Regulator helmet models do not meet the NOCSAE standard for lacrosse at this time and they are not legal for play? With this in mind, do you certify all players are equipped by rule and that all helmets including the goalkeepers meet the NOCSAE standard for lacrosse helmets?”
In the women’s and girls’ games, officials are asked to check the helmets of the goalkeepers during the pre-game stick check to ensure that the helmets worn are not the two in question.
In both games, during the game if a coach requests an equipment check or random equipment check is performed, officials are asked to check the helmet of the player to ensure that the helmets in question are not being worn.
No player is permitted to wear either of these helmets during play until further notice. NOCSAE certification is a testing process and standard required in order to keep players safe and minimize risk for all players in both the boys’ and girls’ games.
If a player is discovered to be wearing this helmet once play has begun, the officials should stop play immediately and the player shall be substituted for and removed from play until they are equipped with a NOCSAE certified helmet. If the player wearing the illegal helmet is the goalkeeper, and the team does not have a backup goalkeeper, the goalie may exchange for a legal goalkeeper helmet and resume playing.
Remember, as an official you are simply adjudicating and applying the rules as written. By not enforcing this rule you could be putting yourself and the safety of the athletes on the field at risk. It is imperative that you enforce this standard and rule at all tournaments and games until further notice.
If a coach protests or asks questions in regards to this ruling direct them to reach out to NOCSAE or either of the helmet manufacturers for clarification.
Here are a couple frequently asked questions that you may encounter.
How do I know what helmet is legal or not?
Please use the pictures above and below as references. The easiest way to determine which helmet is which is to look for a couple key design features.
On the Cascade Model R helmet, there is a big “R” on the right side of the helmet on the visor.
On the Warrior Regulator the most distinguishable feature is the air vents in the temple area of the helmet is a long triangular shape (Warrior’s TII helmet as a bigger opening and the lettering “TII” is visible in the vent)
Why is this important?
The safety of the players is the most important thing and is everyone’s responsibility in the game. That includes the manufacturers of sports equipment. NOCSAE creates standards for sports equipment to ensure that equipment worn by athletes meets certain performance standards. Without these standards it is much more difficult for manufacturers to develop products within certain guidelines based on scientific research and data.
What is the penalty?
In both games and at all levels, if the player(s) are wearing these helmets then they are not permitted to play in the game. If discovered prior to the game, no penalty is adjudicated, however that player or player(s) may not enter the game until a legal helmet is worn.
In the men’s or boys’ game, if discovered during the game at any time, play should be stopped immediately and the player shall be substituted for and may not return until a legal helmet is worn. If discovered after a goal is scored, the goal stands. If the penalty is on the goalkeeper and the team does not have a backup goalie, he may exchange his helmet for a legal one and resume playing.
In the women’s or girls’ game, if discovered during the game at any time, a minor foul is adjudicated and the player must be substituted for until a legal helmet is worn. If the penalty is on the goalkeeper and the team does not have a backup goalie, she may exchange her helmet for a legal one and resume playing. If they do have a legal goalkeeper helmet, then the team shall play without a goalkeeper.
Coaches, players, administrators and parents seeking further information about these two helmet models are advised to contact the manufacturers directly: Cascade (1-800-537-1702); Warrior (1-800-968-7845).
What is US Lacrosse’s role in this issue?
US Lacrosse’s sole role in this is to disseminate the necessary information to our constituents involved in the game. While US Lacrosse as well as NFHS and the NCAA require NOCSAE certified helmets for all games, the standards are created and monitored by NOCSAE.