Class B Central Super-Regional FAQ
Stadium name
- Dripping Springs Middle School Stadium
Stadium address:
- 111 Tiger Ln, Dripping Springs, TX 78620
Are there facility restrictions?
- Pets are prohibited. Working dogs are permitted.
- The use of alcoholic beverages or tobacco products is prohibited on all property.
- Food or colored beverages are NOT allowed on the turf.
Are there hotels available?
- Yes- The following hotels are in the area:
- Holiday Inn Express & Suites Dripping Springs
- Courtyard by Marriot Austin Dripping Springs
- Sleep Inn & Suites
- Hampton Inn Austin/Oak Hill
Will there be practice fields available?
- Yes- there will be practice fields available. We will have goals set up on the grass field next to the stadium
Will there be a team check-in procedure?
- Yes. Upon arrival, teams will check-in and a host will guide teams through Players’ Entrance and to the field.
- 9 Field Passes (4 Coaches allowed in the box, 1 Team Trainer, 1 Equipment Manager, 2 Table), 1 Team Photographer/Videographer Field Pass (This person needs to be identified prior to the event and should not be vocal during the game. This person will also have a designated area on the field- NOT ON TEAM SIDELINE).
- Limits on sideline access are to be adhered to and entry will be through the designated team entry gate.
- High seed is Home team and wears white jerseys. Home teams will occupy the bench to the right of the table.
- Water and squeeze bottles will be provided on your sidelines. Each team is responsible for having a person available to handle bottle refills during the game. THSLL we will keep the cooler full.
What is the locker room procedure?
- There will be designated locker rooms in the middle school for meeting, dressing, etc. before, during, and postgame. Hosts will show teams where to go.
Will there be bus parking?
- Yes, there will designated Bus parking. There will be directional signage and event staff to identify area.
How much are ticket prices
- Single Day- $15
- 2 Day- $25
Will T-shirts be available for purchase at the Stadium?
- Yes
Will there be a program available?
- Yes. Programs will be available for sale at the tournament. There is a link on the website if you would like to advertise in the program.
Are credit cards accepted?
- Yes- several of the Event Staff will have credit card scanners- including the gate staff.
Will I be allowed to take pictures or film during the games?
- Each team will be given ONE sideline pass to be used by your Team Photographer or Videographer. This pass will be distributed to the team at check-in. The designated team photographer will be allowed on the fan side sideline five yards from the sideline and not beyond goal-line extended. All other photographers may take pictures from the stands, but please be aware that standing at the front railing affects the view of those that are seated behind you. The field of play will not be accessible after the final games for personal photos. The teams will be encouraged to move off the fields where they will be accessible for family photos.
Who should I contact for a Media Pass?
- Media passes are restricted to actual media representatives and are not intended for use by commercial photographers. Agreement not to resell photographs taken under the use of a Media Pass will be required.
Will there be photos for sale?
- No
- Refer to media pass section
What happens if there is inclement weather?
- Stadium has an all-weather surface and games will not be called on account of weather bring rain gear. The tournament will observe NCAA lightning Policy which requires suspension of activities when less that 30 second flash-to-bang occurs. Activities will be suspended for 30 minutes beyond the last 30 second flash-to-bang. Games may be delayed and played at night if lightning is encountered. Any changes to the posted schedule will be posted to THSLL as soon as possible.
Will there be Concessions and food vendors at the tournament?
- Yes concessions will be provided
- Cash, Square and Venmo will be accepted
Will there be other activities?
- Not currently planned
What do I do about personal emergencies?
In case of any emergency, please contact:
- Rob Taylor – Club President 206-550-2930
Are home and visitor site administrators required?
- Site Administrators are not needed or allowed on the field since host will handle security. We do ask that the fans and teams behave accordingly.
Who runs the table?
- The official scorebook and penalty time will be kept at the sidelines by tournament-provided personnel. Each team may have a single team book-keeper and a single spotter allowed at the table.
On-site first-aid:
- A trainer is available for all teams. Teams may bring their own trainer if they would like.