THSLL Districts

Camps and Clinics

Posted on February 14, 2012
Don’t miss the opportunity in your region to attend a US Lacrosse Level 1 Instructional Clinic for men’s and women’s coaches.

Hosted By: US Lacrosse and the Central Texas Chapter

February 25, 2012 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM (check-in begins at 8:30 AM)
Register online

**Only $65 ** Lunch will be provided

Dripping Springs High School, 940 Highway 290 West,
Dripping Springs, TX 78620

The Level 1 clinic provides the tools needed to teach rules, basic individual skill, and basic team concepts to a group of beginning players, regardless of age. It also introduces coaches to the responsibilities and philosophies of coaching and how to provide a safe and athlete-centered environment that emphasizes positive growth and sportsmanship principles.

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