Hi, the Texas High School Lacrosse League needs your help!
We are a non-profit organization (501c3) that provides an opportunity for high school boys to learn and compete in the sport of lacrosse in a highly structured environment. Because lacrosse is not yet recognized as a school sport by the Texas University Interscholastic League, the THSLL receives no state funding, and depends on team dues for its finances.
Our goal is to provide boys the opportunity to play this great sport in areas outside the current THSLL districts – Dallas, Austin, San Antonio and Houston.
We are working with current teams in West Texas, East Texas and South Texas to help them join the THSLL: El Paso, Midland, Amarillo, San Angelo, Lubbock, Abilene, Marshall and Corpus Christi are all working to join, and all are in various stages of development.
We NEED the support of our lacrosse community to help fund our expansion and to grow the sport. Without expansion into areas the THSLL currently does not have teams, the UIL will not give Lacrosse a look at becoming a school sport in Texas.
For more information please reference and share https://www.gofundme.com/f/thsll-expansion