THSLL Districts


Posted on August 12, 2009
On June 20, 2009 the THSLL Board reaffirmed its support of NCAA rules (specifically adoption of the new crosse specifications effective January 2010) and the THSLL Guiding Principle of player safety.  The THSLL Board voted and rejected any waiver rule pertaining to the adoption of the new crosse specifications. Member schools were asked  via written consent to either affirm the NCAA crosse specifications effective January 2010 or vote to waive the NCAA crosse specification change. The outcome of the written consent was majority support by 66% of the THSLL member schools to affirm the NCAA crosse specifications. Crosse Specifications (Effective Jan. 1, 2010) APPENDIX IV                                                                     Page 108 Beginning January 1, 2010, measurements for the crosse shall include the following, in addition to current specifications: There is a crosse diagram on Page 109 Measurement from throat (inches) /  Minimum distance between narrowest point of head (inches) 1.25 / 3.0 (all measurements) 3.0 / 3.0 (all measurements) 5.0 /  3.5 to 4 on front; 3.5 on back Widest point /  6 to 6.5 on front; 6 on back Note: From the 1.25-inch measurement to the top of the crosse, the distance between the sidewalls of the crosse must be at least 3 inches. Illegal Crosse SECTION 5. A player may not use a crosse that does not conform to required specifications. Use of an illegal crosse carries a one- or three-minute nonreleasable penalty. A crosse found illegal due to a deep pocket will carry a one-minute nonreleasable penalty and the crosse may be returned if adjusted. A player using a crosse found to be illegal for any other reason will receive a three-minute nonreleasable penalty, and the illegal crosse will remain in the table area for the remainder of the game. Every crosse on a team is subject to inspection, and the crosse need not have been in the game to be inspected. (See Rule 4-28.)
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