This year we introduce a new, and exciting expanded 12-team expanded playoff structure for Division I with Super Regional Qualifying Tournaments in Austin and Houston on the weekend of May 1st - 2nd. The Division I final four will be the winners of these Super Regional Tournaments. Stay tuned for locations and logistics for the Super Regional Tournaments that will be announced next week.
The Division II final four will be made up of the District Champions from the North, South, Central, and San Antonio Districts/
The State Championships for Division I & Division II will follow the next weekend, May 8th & 9th, in Dallas where the Division I & Division II final four will settle their respective state championships in Highlander Stadium. We are pleased to announce that Highland Park Boys Lacrosse is hosting the 2010 THSLL State Championship Weekend, and you will not want to miss one minute of the action. Stay tuned for logistics information.
D1 Selection Process
- District champions will control top 3 seeds.2. Teams 4-12 will be seeded based upon the standings at the end of regular season play, and a predetermined serpentine pairing2. Teams 4-12 will be seeded based upon the standings at the end of regular season play, and a predetermined serpentine pairing
- Teams 4-12 will be seeded based upon the standings at the end of regular season play, and a predetermined serpentine pairing formula as noted below. Of the 12 teams competing, there will be 4 teams from each district.
- Â Teams 1-4 will get 1st round byes.
- Â Two Super Regional Tournaments with Saturday and Sunday format
- Â A predetermined format establishing game locations (North, South or Central Districts) will be established and rotate annually for the Super Regional games much the same as the State Championship Tournament is rotated between districts.
- Â State Championship the following weekend with Semifinals on Saturday and Finals on Sunday.
Predetermined Matchups:
2010 A South B Central C North
Seed 1-A1 2- B1 3-C1 4-C2 5-B2 6-A2 7-A3 8-B3 9-C3 10-C4 11-B4 12-A4
#8 B3 VS #9 C3, WINNER PLAYS #1 A1 #5 B2 VS #12 A4, WINNER PLAYS #4 C2 #7 A3 VS #10 C4, WINNER PLAYS #2 B1 #6 A2 VS #11 B4, WINNER PLAYS #3 C1 Semifinal Games - Saturday, May 8th, 2010 at North Region SiteState Championship - Sunday, May 9th, 2010 at North Region Site Austin Super Regional Tournament       May 1st   #8 - B3 (Central) See attached file for bracket : Here