THSLL Districts



Posted on September 25, 2010
The Texas High School Lacrosse League is pleased to announce and present the new THSLL Website which will replace the old website October 1, 2010.  The new website will allow for two-way interaction and collaboration, including THSLL Newsletters, Alumni communications, and volunteering for THSLL initiatives and committees.  It opens the door for local and regional sponsorship of the THSLL, and it improves the Team information, game scheduling, and game reporting processes through a much more intuitive user interface.

The THSLL Board would like to thank its Webmaster, Chris Shaffer, for his hard work and dedication to make this new website a reality, and our State Administrator, Nancy Powers, for collaborating with Chris on the website look and feel and user interface.

The THSLL Board encourages you to communicate with your Program participants and volunteers about the website, and to ask them to visit it frequently for insights into the THSLL and your Program, and to look for current THSLL season information of interest to them.

Your THSLL Board of Directors
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