THSLL Districts



Posted on March 08, 2014

THSLL Twelve Team DI Playoff Structure

 District Champions and seedings are determined by each District, either by District Playoffs or by the best record at the conclusion of THSLL season play (tiebreaker if necessary). Method of determining District Champion must be decided before the THSLL Annual Meeting.

Teams A1 and B1 will be the top seed and home Team in the super regional tournaments.

 Selection Process 

  1. District Champions will control top 3 seeds.
  2. Teams 4-12 are seeded based upon the standings at the end of THSLL season play, and a predetermined serpentine pairing formula as noted below.  Of the 12 Teams competing, there will be 4 Teams from each District.


  1. Teams 1-4 will get 1st round byes.
  2. Two Super Regional Tournaments with Saturday and Sunday format
  3. A predetermined format establishing game locations (North, South or Central Districts)  rotates annually for the Super Regional games
  4. State Championship the following weekend with Semifinals on Saturday and Finals on Sunday
THSLL  Sixteen Team DII Playoff Structure


 Each of the four (4) DII Districts will have four (4) teams qualifying for the regional tournaments.

  1. District seedings 1-4 are determined by each District following the conclusion of the regular season.  The method of determining seedings must be decided within each district before the beginning of the regular season.
  2. The top seed within each district will be the host team for their respective regional tournament and will be responsible for organizing their regional tournament.


  1. The 16 qualifying teams are seeded based upon a predetermined formula as indicated below. 
  2. The four (4) regional tournaments will follow a Saturday/Sunday format the weekend before the State Championship.
  3. Within each region, the #1 seed plays the #4 seed, and the #2 seed plays the #3 seed on Saturday.  The winners of those games play each other on Sunday to determine the Regional representative team to play for the State Championship the following weekend.
  4. The State Championship on the following weekend will have the same structure, with semifinals on Saturday and the championship game on Sunday.

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