2024 North Post-Season Awards
These awards are voted on and provided by the participating coaches of the district. The number of awards available are voted on by the THSLL member programs at the annual meeting.
Name | Team | Position | Num | Grade |
Parker Addison | Highland Park | Attack | #8 | JR |
James Allen | Highland Park B | Attack | #10 | SO |
John Allen | Highland Park | Goalie | #16 | SR |
David Androes | Prosper | LSM | #2 | JR |
Allen Badgwell | Grapevine | Defense | #2 | JR |
Cameron Batastini | Lovejoy | Midfield | #26 | SR |
Jackson Bell | JP2 | Goalie | #99 | SR |
Ben Boyer | Highland Park | LSM | #33 | JR |
Zac Branch | Lovejoy | Defense | #2 | SR |
Sean Browne | ESD | Attack | #10 | SR |
Riley Bruton | All Saints | Defense | #21 | JR |
Caleb Caldwell | Jesuit | FOGO | #5 | JR |
Michael Carney | Hebron | Defense | #21 | FR |
Michael Cortez | Hebron | Attack | #18 | JR |
Zain Crumedy | Greenhill | Midfield | #5 | SR |
Dylan Davis | Fort Worth Country Day | Defense | #23 | SR |
Jaxson Davis | Hebron | Midfield | #13 | SR |
Jack DSpain | Allen | Defense | #35 | JR |
Sam Emery | Jesuit | Midfield | #11 | SR |
Cade Etheredge | Prosper | Attack | #55 | SR |
Vance Flick | Plano East | FOGO | #42 | JR |
Edward Griffin | Coppell | Attack | #14 | JR |
John David Hart | Fort Worth Country Day | LSM | #6 | SO |
Brian Johnson | Plano East | Midfield | #6 | SO |
Cam Konradi | ESD | SSDM | #15 | SR |
Reese Krebs | Flower Mound | Defense | #80 | SR |
Ryan Lafferty | Plano | Attack | #77 | SR |
Jadon Lee | Greenhill | Midfield | #18 | SR |
Abram Loth | All Saints | Attack | #23 | FR |
Owen Magee | Lovejoy | Attack | #20 | JR |
Kevin Magee | Lovejoy | Midfield | #15 | JR |
Luke Mauser | ESD | Defense | #6 | JR |
Lane McCranie | Parish | Goalie | #16 | SR |
Trevor McQuillen | Flower Mound | Goalie | #12 | SR |
Xavier Monterio | ESD | Midfield | #9 | SR |
Gavyn Norwood | Hebron | Attack | #4 | JR |
LJ Oby | Bridge Lacrosse | Defense | #13 | SR |
Coleman Oby | Bridge Lacrosse | Attack | #15 | SO |
Truman Roth | Fort Worth Country Day | Attack | #7 | SR |
KJ Seale | Hebron | LSM | #7 | SR |
Daniel Shaffer | Plano | FOGO | #9 | SR |
Paxton Smith | Highland Park | Midfield | #21 | JR |
Kohen Snyder | Hebron | Midfield | #42 | JR |
Tober Steelhammer | Fort Worth | FOGO | #43 | JR |
Hudson Thiemann | Plano | Midfield | #22 | JR |
Christian Thomas | JP2 | Defense | #18 | JR |
Harrison Wheeler | Highland Park | Defense | #22 | JR |
Tanner Wilson | Jesuit B | Defense | #54 | SO |
Nolan Zaby | JP2 | Midfield | #4 | SR |
Name | Team | Position | Num | Grade |
Cam Duncan | Flower Mound | Attack | #0 | SR |
Jack Lynch | Jesuit B | Attack | #30 | SO |
Jacob Kirchofer | Lovejoy | Attack | #21 | SR |
Conner Stevens | Prosper | Midfield | #9 | SR |
David Atwell | Jesuit B | Midfield | #24 | SO |
RJ Moore | Frisco | Midfield | #19 | JR |
Jack Sumner | Highland Park B | Defense | #2 | SO |
Diego Herrera | Plano East | Defense | #1 | SR |
Lamdon Reygadas | Frisco | Defense | #44 | JR |
Josh Cantu | Frisco | LSM | #21 | JR |
Owen Laszewski | Highland Park B | FOGO | #26 | FR |
Luke Leblanc | Frisco | Goalie | #3 | SO |
Colby Eckart | Grapevine | Attack | #11 | SR |
Luke Kennedy | Plano | Attack | #8 | JR |
Luke Sheedy | Plano West | Attack | #29 | SR |
Mateo Lanzilotta | Greenhill | Midfield | #12 | SR |
Caleb Jackson | Bridge Lacrosse | Midfield | #4 | SO |
Bryson Burgess | Grapevine | Midfield | #20 | JR |
Anthony Coppolino | Plano | Defense | #76 | SO |
Brandon Polk | Greenhill | Defense | #8 | SR |
Andrew Kubat | Plano West | Defense | #18 | JR |
JP Wilcox | Plano West | LSM | #77 | FR |
Gray Whitsett | Grapevine | FOGO | #17 | SR |
Will Hammond | Fort Worth Country Day | Goalie | #8 | FR |
Cameron Huber | Hebron | Attack | #12 | SO |
Luke Chandler | JP2 | Attack | #16 | FR |
Ty Nokes | Guyer | Attack | #0 | SO |
Jeffery Jordan | Bishop Lynch | Midfield | #23 | SR |
Howell Hayes | All Saints | Midfield | #4 | FR |
Gabe Castaneda | JP2 | Midfield | #3 | SO |
Joe Sambar | Bishop Lynch | Defense | #99 | JR |
Grant Morgan | Hebron | Defense | #78 | SO |
Colt Cooper | Guyer | Defense | #24 | SR |
Blake McKenna | JP2 | LSM | #13 | SR |
Easton Nabarrette | Hebron | FOGO | #17 | SO |
Jax Thomas | All Saints | Goalie | #77 | SO |
Hunt Sands | ESD | Attack | #4 | SR |
Quinn Tyler | Southlake | Attack | #38 | SR |
Beckett Foley | Jesuit | Attack | #12 | SR |
Jack McCallum | Highland Park | Midfield | #23 | SR |
Weston Chance | St. Mark's | Midfield | #15 | SO |
Sam Sheehan | Southlake | Midfield | #25 | SR |
Keller Holmes | Highland Park | Defense | #11 | SR |
Rocco Renda | St. Mark's | Defense | #12 | SO |
Jaric Ankton | Rockwall | Defense | #77 | JR |
Adam Goucher | Rockwall | Goalie | #23 | SR |
Cooper Tilden | Highland Park | FOGO | #17 | SR |
Charlie Neuhoff | ESD | LSM | #20 | SR |
Hudson Jones | Highland Park | SSDM | #10 | SR |
Honorable Mention
Name | Team | Position | Num | Grade |
Jackson Pierce | Prosper | Attack | #3 | SR |
Austin Egler | Plano East | Attack | #7 | JR |
Noah Boor | Frisco | Attack | #2 | JR |
Braddock Jones | Prosper | Midfield | #10 | SR |
Jake Watson | Flower Mound | Midfield | #8 | SR |
Dean Dulin | Highland Park B | Midfield | #15 | FR |
Grant Krebs | Flower Mound | Defense | #81 | SR |
Mac Dixon | Highland Park B | Defense | #4 | SR |
Davis Skinner | Jesuit B | Defense | #66 | SO |
Carter Boix | Prosper | LSM | #26 | SR |
Thomson Haddock | Jesuit B | FOGO | #50 | SO |
Walker Fitzgerald | Highland Park B | Goalie | #3 | SO |
Alex Parsons | Fort Worth Country Day | Attack | #1 | SO |
Brett Richards | Plano West | Attack | #6 | JR |
Carson Kilman | Cumberland Academy | Attack | #11 | SR |
Eamon Browne | Plano West | Midfield | #1 | JR |
Boston Juliao | Fort Worth Country Day | Midfield | #2 | SR |
JD Board | Plano | Midfield | #7 | JR |
Will Davidson | Fort Worth Country Day | Defense | #21 | SR |
Luke Graves | Grapevine | Defense | #5 | JR |
Fletcher Oltmann | Plano | Defense | #1 | JR |
Dominic Vinnola | Bridge Lacrosse | LSM | #19 | JR |
Carter McLaughlin | Cumberland Academy | FOGO | #2 | JR |
Jake Nero | Plano | Goalie | JR | |
Kingston Poe | Rockwall | Attack | #14 | SO |
Max Bushaw | Southlake | Attack | #1 | SO |
Duncan Zielke | Highland Park | Attack | #19 | JR |
Christian Conliglio | Southlake | Midfield | #22 | JR |
Josh Logan | ESD | Midfield | #33 | SO |
Carter Hoppe | Allen | Midfield | #4 | JR |
Connor Waddill | Coppell | Defense | #50 | SR |
TJ Gatchell | ESD | Defense | #17 | SR |
Will Hooker | Jesuit | Defense | #7 | SR |
Gabriel James | Jesuit | Goalie | #32 | SO |
Neel Shenoy | Southlake | FOGO | #75 | SR |
Nate Sullivan | Coppell | LSM | #12 | SR |
Luke Hurt | Coppell | SSDM | #8 | SR |
Additional Awards
Name | Team | Award |
Zack Colburn | Highland Park B | North Class B Coach of the Year |
Rich Moses | Greenhill | North Class C Coach of the Year |
Brendan Carney | Hebron | North Class D Coach of the Year |
Jay Sothoron ESD | North Class A Coach of the Year | |
Brandon Wilk | Highland Park B | North Class B Assistant Coach of the Year |
Easton Ellis | Plano | North Class C Assistant Coach of the Year |
Matt Dunn Highland Park | North Class A Assistant Coach of the Year | |
Jarrett Moffitt | Parish | North Class C Person of the Year |
Tony Martin | North Class B Person of the Year |