THSLL Districts

Central District News

Posted on September 06, 2022


Texas Lacrosse Longhorn Shootout- Registration and payment for the 2022 Longhorn Shootout is now open. It's going to be a great year for the Longhorn Shootout! We are hoping to sell out all 80 spots for teams, so make sure you register early. 

Direct Registration Link:

Direct Payment Link:

Pricing and Discounts:

Varsity/JV - $1,100(with early discount $1,000), 5th/6th/7th/8th Divisions - $1,000(with early discount $900), 3rd/4th - $900(with early discount $800)

Discount Codes:  Early Registration: txsouth22  Discounts will be available until September 1st and all payments will be due November 1st.

Longhorn Shootout Contacts:

Jacob Rollins - Tournament Director (713-515-0024)

Jay Swallow- Assistant Tournament Director (703-424-6596)

Parker Ayles - Club President (203-927-3546)

Kyle Hartzell - Head Coach (410-913-9354)

Date: December 3rd/4th 2022

LocationWright Whitaker Sports Complex, 4901 Guadalupe St.  Austin, TX 78751 

Team Divisions:  3rd-4th Grade(7v7) / 5th-6th Grade / 7th-8th Grade / JV / Varsity

Trainer:  A Certified Athletic Trainer will be available during the entire event.  

Concessions and Apparel:  Concessions and Apparel will be available during the entire tournament.

Weather:  We will have the turf fields available for us to use so hopefully weather will not be an issue.  In the slight chance of the entire event having to be canceled due to weather or another act of God, a partial refund will be available to the teams. 

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