THSLL Districts

North District News

Posted on September 12, 2007

North Texas Chapter Friends of US Lacrosse presents the
12th Annual Halloween Shootout
October 27th & 28th

Location: Breckinridge Park - Richardson, Texas
Entry Fee: $375.00-HS Varsity & JV,  $300- 5th-8th grade
Format: Tournament
Bracketing: Interdivisional Varsity & JV, Youth
Games: Minimum of 3 games
Registration Deadline: October 21, 2007

Your registration will be considered complete after we have received the following from your team(s): (see attachments at the bottom)
1. Entry Fee- made out to Friends of North Texas US Lacrosse
2. Certificate of Insurance
3. Roster (see attached form)
4. Waiver and release for each player

Entry Fees alone will not secure a spot for your team!
For more information please email Nancy Powers

Additional Shootout information will be provided to you after your program has completed the registration process. No refunds due to weather, cancellation of games,etc.

Attached forms:
Registration Form
Tournament Rules
Waiver and Release
Roster Template


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