THSLL Districts

North District News

Posted on September 30, 2008
THSLL is accepting nominations for the DII/DIII North District Coordinator, vacated by Michelle Durkin (DII/DIII North Coordinator from 2007 - 2008). Jay Widdig (DII North Coordinator from 2005 - 2007) is currently Interim/Acting DII/DIII North Coordinator. The DII/DIII North District Coordinator is one of 9 voting board members of THSLL and is responsible for the 8 DII North teams and 8 DIII North teams. Interested parties should contact Nancy Powers, THSLL State Administrator, at to receive a copy of the Coordinator Roles and Responsibilities and Board Conflict of Interest Statement. A selection committee to fill this position will be formed after the State meeting on October 11th
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