THSLL Districts

Central District News

Posted on October 05, 2011

New Horizons Lacrosse Fund is excited to officially announce the New Horizons Lacrosse Camp & Fund Raiser that will take place at the WAYA fields on Nov 5 & 6.  The general skills camp will register both Middle School and High School players.  The camp will be directed by Coach Don Zimmerman (UMBC).  Coach Zimmerman has won 5 Div 1 National Championships as either a Head or Assistant Coach.  He will be supported by two NCAA coaches: Stephen Vaikness (Loyola College) - a faceoff specialist and David Jadin, an assistant coach from Goucher College.  Goucher College currently has 4 Central Texas players on their roster, including 3 from the Austin area.  Additionally, the camp will be supported by top local High School coaches.

 100% of the camp net proceeds will be donated to New Horizons Lacrosse Fund.  In two short years, New Horizons has made an incredible impact in the underprivileged communities in Austin and this Fall will have co-ed after school lacrosse programs in 4 elementary schools and 4 middle schools. 

The cost of the camp is only $95.00.  We anticipate the camp to fill up very quickly.  Act quickly to ensure yourself a spot.

 To register, go to the New Horizon's web site:

 Any questions regarding New Horizons Lacrosse Fund can be directed to David Hamill at:

 Any questions regarding the Lacrosse Camp can be directed to Bruce Clark at:


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